Be Well
Issue No. 13 - Skinimalism

Skinimalism or skin minimalism is the latest trend taking over the beauty industry.
Issue No. 12 - A Decade of Isola

10 Years / 1 Decade / 3,652 Days and countless hours since we launched Isola. At times it feels like yesterday that I came up with the idea to sell a Body Scrub from a family recipe that originated in Jamaica and other times it feels like forever ago. I remember very clearly sitting in our apartment with a 2-year-old and a newborn and dreaming about starting my own company with this one product I had. And so, I did. It wasn't anything proper or even organized. I sat at the computer in-between feedings and nap time and created stickers for the scrub jars....
Issue No. 11 - @TheModernRoot

The Modern Root So 2022 is on its way. It doesn't seem to feel much different than the previous two years does it? Each month brings a new wave of ups and downs and feelings of being certain and then...uncertain. Will Covid die down after a wave or will a new variant emerge? And this Netflix series we are in keeps getting renewed. So what have you done to make internal changes? The only thing we have control over is ourselves and how we decide to treat our bodies and environment. I personally thrive on balance. Yes, my balance definitely hangs heavier on living a...
Issue No. 10 - New Beginnings

New Beginnings I think we can all agree that the last couple of years have looked and felt very different. Time seems to be flying by while standing still at the same time. It feels like we are in a never ending mini series - kind of like a show that is supposed to end but keeps getting renewed. Covid has not been easy. All of us have had to face it one way or another. Many decisions have crossed us that we never saw coming. Trips, family gatherings, playdates, sports, jobs and getting together with friends has felt uncertain and...
Issue No. 9 - 'Tis the Season

'TIS THE SEASON December, you suddenly arrive and often times we aren’t prepared for you yet but then we never want you to leave. You try your best to bring joy to everyone. Even in the cold, you are capable of warming hearts and souls around the globe. It feels like no matter what religion you are or what you celebrate, the Christmas songs that play on the radio throughout the month are nostalgic. Even though we will hear the same songs over and over and over again, we get upset when they end. And what about the holiday movies?...