The Modern Root
So 2022 is on its way. It doesn't seem to feel much different than the previous two years does it? Each month brings a new wave of ups and downs and feelings of being certain and then...uncertain. Will Covid die down after a wave or will a new variant emerge? And this Netflix series we are in keeps getting renewed.
So what have you done to make internal changes? The only thing we have control over is ourselves and how we decide to treat our bodies and environment.
I personally thrive on balance. Yes, my balance definitely hangs heavier on living a healthy, clean lifestyle than it does on cheat meals and allowing toxins into our home but trying to live a perfect life is not so "healthy" either. I would say that 90% of my diet and lifestyle is clean and organic but if we are out, I let go a bit. Yes I indulge in pizza and ice cream and I don't claim to have it all together. I do the best I can with my kids but hey, they are kids and they are going to be kids. I am raising them with the hope that every year that passes, and they get older, they will learn more and more about what living a healthy life and making good choices looks like.
2022 was the start of a new Instagram page for me. I wanted to share recipes, supplements and products that I love and support. I am not looking to be an influencer - after all I am the owner of Isola and spend my days (and nights) raising a family - but I did want to create an outlet where people could follow along to make simple, easy changes without feeling overwhelmed and without having to break the bank.
If you too want to make changes but don't know where to start or feel like many of the pages you are currently following are over-the-top, you can follow my page @TheModernRoot on Instagram for some easy product swaps and recipes.
Now it's time to exfoliate with one of Isola's Body Scrubs and settle in for a cozy February day!